Our school holds academic report on “Environment and Health Economy”


In response to the Healthy China strategy, an academic report, entitled as “Environment and Health Economy”, was delivered by Prof. Sun Chuanwang, School of Economics, Xiamen University in the auditorium on the second floor of Administrative Center of Jiangning Campus, CPU on the afternoon of December 4, 2020. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Zhou Qian, director of Department of Economics and Trade with the presence of all leaders of our school.

With the theme of “the cross disciplinary frontier research on environment and health economy under the background of green development”, Prof. Sun Chuanwang elaborated on his academic views from four perspectives including realistic background of healthy development, interpretation of relevant policies, development process of health economics, cross disciplinary research on environment and health economy. After the report, students on the spot had an in-depth interaction and exchange with Prof. Sun Chuanwang on relevant topics. 

Report by Prof. Sun Chuanwang

Prof. Sun Chuanwang and leaders of our school

Dr. Zhou Qian, director of Department of Economics and Trade, presides over the meeting.

Group photo