Tang Wenxi


Wenxi TangProfessorDoctoral supervisorDirector of Department of Public ManagementParty branch Secretary. Doctor of Management, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Postdoctoral fellow, College of Pharmacy, University of Arizona. She was awarded the Social Science Outstanding Youth Science Fund in 2019, and the third-level training object of the sixth 333 Project of Jiangsu Province in 2021. She served as a standing member of the County Health Special Committee of the Chinese Rural Health Association, deputy secretary-general of the Youth Committee of the University Union of Pharmaceutical and Health Management, member of the Health Service Management Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, member of the Pharmacoeconomics Special Committee of the Chinese Research Hospital Society, member of the Pharmacoeconomics professional committee of the Pharmaceutical Society of Jiangsu Province and other academic positions.

She mainly teaches six courses, such as Pharmacoeconomics (Clinical Pharmacy), Drug Value and Economic Evaluation(school-level excellent course), and Health service management. The students under her guidance have won many provincial and municipal honorssuch as the first prize of the Challenge Cup for college students and the second prize of the Provincial Public Management Case Competition. And her graduate students have made academic reports at many international conferences.

Research direction:Pharmacoeconomics/Health Technology Assessment/Health Service Management. The research areas mainly focus on the evaluation of tumor pharmacoeconomics, prevention and control strategies of infectious diseases, and integrated health services.

She has presided over 6 projects including NSFC Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges, General Program (*2), Distinguished Young Scholars, sub-project of Key Program, and a sub-project of National Key Research and Development.

In the past 5 years, she has published more than 40 SCI/SSCI articles in Value in Health, Biodrugs and other journals with H-index score of 14, more than 40 Chinese core articles and 2 academic works as co-author/co-translated author.

PhD enrollment direction: Pharmacoeconomics.

Master enrollment direction : Pharmacoeconomics, Public Management, Management Pharmacy (professional degree), MPA (professional degree).

Contact: tokammy@cpu.edu.cn