Chen Yongfa


Prof. Chen Yongfa, member of the CPCCPU Committee, Head of the Organization Department of CPU, and Head of the United Front Work Department of CPU, Doctoral Supervisor.

Main Research Interests: Pharmaceutical Policy and Regulation, Drug Registration Management, Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation, etc.

Main Academic Achievements:

Prof. Chen has accomplished many projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Social Science foundation of Jiangsu Province, dozens of projects of the State Council, Ministry of Science and Technology, National Development and Reform Commission, NHC, National Medical Products Administration, and other national ministries and commissions as well as enterprise consulting projects.

Prof. Chen is the editor-in-chief of series of teaching materials or academic works: International Pharmaceutical Regulations, Pharmaceutical Administration and Regulations, Laws and Regulations on Drug Registration, Guiding Principles of Drug Registration, Comprehensive knowledge and Skills of Pharmacy, and the deputy editor-in-chief of the Theory and Practice of Pharmaceutical Regulations, International Pharmaceutical Industry Competitiveness Comparison, Licensed Pharmacist Manuals. In addition, he has published more than 100 papers in core journals at home and abroad. His research achievements, represented by Collaborative Governance of Food and Drug Safety, Marketing Authorization Holder System, and Adjustment and Optimization of Essential Medicines List, have been successfully adopted by relevant government agencies, providing powerful decision-making support for the optimization and advance of national pharmaceutical policies.
