Wu Lin


Wu Lin, PhD, lecturer, Master Supervisor, Director of the Teaching and Research Division of Health Service Administration Department at the School of the International Pharmaceutical Business.

Doctor Wu Lin is a member of Pharmacy Administration Committee of Jiangsu Pharmaceutical Association, Reviewer of Chinese Journal of Health Policy, Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals and other journals.

Main Courses: Introduction to Public Policy, Principles of Administration, and Health Management.

Main Research Interests: the Theory and Practice of Medical Security Reform, Evaluation and Comparison of Health Policies, and Public Governance. She has been supported by 1 project of Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Jiangsu Universities and 1 of Research Funds for the Central Universities, and is mainly responsible for or engaged in 1 project of the National Social Science foundation of China, 2 of the National Natural Science foundation of China and a number of provincial and several medical and health policy projects at provincial and ministerial level. Recent years witness her growth in academic research with more than 10 papers published in CSSCI, CSCD and GCIC as the first author.

Email: cpu_wlsxy@163.com