Jointly Thematic Education Activities with Shanghai Concentrate Bidding and Purchasing Management Office of Pharmaceutical Services


Recently, our school has kicked off serial Thematic Education Activities jointly with Shanghai Concentrate Bidding and Purchasing Management Office of Pharmaceutical Services (hereinafter referred to as (SCBPMO) to further dive into and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and promote the Thematic Education of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Zhu Shichong, Director of SCBPMO along with other delegations and members of the Theme-based Education Reading Class of our school and representatives of faculty all participated in the activity.

With the theme of Exploring Red Bases and Revisiting the Beginning of the Party, the participants visited the site of the First National Congress of the CPC and the Memorial Hall of the CPC’s First National Congress in Shanghai. They viewed 6 sections of the exhibition on the struggling history of the CPC, namely, Servants and Successors, Salvation and Survival, Awakening of the Nation, Doctrinal Decision, Early Organization, Early Flame, Opening of the Heaven and Earth, Sunrise of the Orient, Forging Ahead, Glorious Journey, Never forget our original aspiration and founding mission”. The docent’s narrative with the historic images and documentaries and pieces of precious cultural relics impacted everyone greatly. All were moved by the struggles and hardships at the early stage of the CPC, as well as the firm conviction of the revolutionary forefathers who were not scared to make sacrifices and pursued their truth.

In the last gallery of the Memorial Hall, all party members recited the Admission Oath of CPC. Their powerful voices conveyed the pride and sense of mission of being a CPC member.

Finally, all participants walked the footsteps of CPC General Secretary, Xi Jinping's visit to Shanghai and visited the Yangpu Riverside People's City Construction Planning Exhibition Hall. There, they immersed in the gorgeous experience of the Yangpu Riverside turning from the Industrial Rust Belt to the Life Show Belt”. Everyone was impressed by the conceptional implementation of The city is built by the people in tandem with for the people”.

All committed to continuously carry forward the glorious tradition, follow the red bloodline, unremittingly foster and enhance the great spirit of the CPC construction. They will firmly stick to the general requirements of the Thematic Education as Learning Ideology, Emphasizing Party Spirit, Emphasizing Practice, and Building New Achievements. They promise to combine the learning, thinking and practices together and integrate knowledge and faith with action. They are convinced that constant enhance the responsibility and sense of mission along with endeavor in the construction of a healthy China needs everyone’s wisdom and strength.

The Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the CPC(1)

The Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the CPC(2)

Reciting the Admission Oath of the CPC

Group Photo

Written by Zhou Ling

Edited by Wang Yanxi

First Reviewed by Wang Jintao

Second Reviewed by Yang Qing

Final Reviewed by Ding Sujun