Chen Zaiyu


Chen Zaiyu, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor in Pharmacoeconomics.

Main courses: Microeconomics and Medical Insurance,

Main research interests: Health Economics and Medical Security.

He has published over 30 academic papers in Nankai Economic Studies, World Economic Papers, Chinese Journal of Population Science, etc., of which 2 were reproduced in full by China Social Science Excellence.

He has led more than 6 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education of China and the Jiangsu Education Department. He has edited 2 textbooks. At present, he is an expert in the evaluation of the National Natural Science Foundation (Management Department) and China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Centre of the Ministry of Education, and an anonymous reviewer of many authoritative journals like The Quarterly Journal of Economics and Journal of Sichuan University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition).
