Yao Wenbing


Professor Yao Wenbing, PhD, Doctoral Supervisor, part-time chairman of the Pharmacy Teaching Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education of China, vice president of the Chinese Pharmacists Association, reviewer responsible for drugs and foods of NMPA, member of the Expert Committee of Drug Price Decision-making of the National Development and Reform Commission, member of the Industrialization Committee of the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and the Executive Committee of the Medical Education Committee of Chinese Medical Association, Vice chairman and Secretary general of Pharmaceutical Education Research Institute of National Higher Medical Education Association, associate editor of Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, executive associate editor of Pharmaceutical Education, editorial board member of Chinese Pharmaceutical Yearbook, Journal of China Pharmaceutical University, and other journals.

He has been hailed as the National Renowned Teacher with the special government allowance of The State Council, been selected into the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University of the Ministry of Education, the Second Group Training Talents of “333 Program” in Jiangsu Province, the Top Talents in Six Important Fields of Jiangsu Province, and sponsored by the National Excellent Young Teachers Award (Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation of the Ministry of Education), and awarded many honorary titles of excellent educators in Jiangsu Province, the leader of the national excellent teaching team, the course leader of the national resource sharing course and the national excellent course Basis of Pharmaceutical Biochemistry.

He has won the First Prize 3 times and the Second Prize twice of the National Teaching Achievement Award; the Special Prizes twice and the First Prize twice of the Jiangsu Teaching Achievement Award, respectively. He has been selected as the leader of science and technology innovation team in “Qinglan Project” of Jiangsu Province, and 2 of his researches won the Third Prize of Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Award.

Email: wbyao@cpu.edu.cn