Zhu Yixi


Zhu Yixi, lecturer, PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Southeast University.

Mainly Courses: Statistics, Econometrics

Research Areas: Pharmaceutical Industry Organization and Public Health Policy; Drug safety; The Development and Regulation of Network Industrial Organizations.

Host several provincial and enterprise research projects, including the 2018 Jiangsu University Philosophy and Social Science Research Project and several provincial drug regulatory center projects. Participated in several projects funded by NSFC. Published over 20 academic papers, including 9 CSSCI source journals and 1 Peking University core journal. Three of them are A-level management journals recognized by the NSFC. Participated in writing and publishing one English monograph; Published 1 paper on educational reform journal


representative papers:

[1] Yixi Zhu, Yuying Feng. A Study on public health resource allocation efficiency in China: Based on DEA model and Panel Tobit, Chinese Journal on Health Policy, 2022(15):54-59.

[2] Bates,Benjamin J., Geidner, Nick, and Zhu, Yixi. “The Economics of Broadband.”  In Robert G. Picard and Steven Wildman, eds. Handbook on the Economics of Media. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015.